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4Musics WMA to MP3 Converter - Convert WMA to MP3 and other audio formats.4Musics WMA to MP3 Converter 5.0

 4Musics WMA to MP3 Converter converts protected and non-protected WMA to MP3, OGG, WAV, AAC, M4A, MP2, RA3, AC3, etc. Allows converting directly from Windows Explorer with one click, contains a simple tag editor, supports batch conversion.

Related keywords: wma, convert, WAV, CD, wma to mp3, RA, AAC, AMR_WB, MP3, FLAC, WMA decoder, convert wma, mpeg files format, AIFF, M4A, to, AC3, wma to wav, AMR_NB, OGG, MMF, MP2, music converter, files, decoder, music, wav, mp3, mpeg, WMA, format, converter

4Musics OGG to MP3 Converter - Converts OGG to all formats!4Musics OGG to MP3 Converter 4.2

 Converts OGG to all formats at high converting speed!Main Features: - converting in one click!- high speed;- setting resulting format options;- automatic source deleting;- drag and drop support;- skin support;- editor of tags.

Related keywords: WAV, decoder, music, RA, sound, AMR_WB, MP3, M4A, mpeg, encoder, 4musics, Vorbis, convert, AMR_NB, OGG, WMA, CD files format, MP2, converter, Audio, files, CD, format

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