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WIDI Recognition System Standard - Convert MP3/WAV/CD files to polyphonic MIDI!WIDI Recognition System Standard 4.5

 Transcribe MP3/WAV/CD to MIDI in off-line mode or in real-time, use predefined presets or create own ones for different music types; apply various recognition algorithms for better results. Transpose output MIDI, replace the musical instrument used.

Related keywords: to, midi, wave to midi, convert mp3 to midi, wav to midi, mp3 to midi converter, mp3, cd to midi, audio to midi, music recognition, recognition, audio, music, wav, convert, cd, wave, converter

Power Mixer - Complete Windows volume control replacement.Power Mixer 2.10

 Power Mixer is a capable audio mixer to replace the standard Windows volume control. It offers the audio mixer, OSD, command line support, customizable presets, and a scheduler. Now you can control sound with hot keys or with your mouse.

Related keywords: mixer, volume, sound mixer, volume mixer, audio, volume presets, power mixer, audio mixer, control, windows audio mixer, volume control, windows, presets, power, sound, replacement

Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer - Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer 2.471

 A basic tool with graphic interface to record, overdub and mix sound, easily adjusting three standard effects (volume, pan, and playback rate). Group a number of sounds in Sound Groups for better navigation and editing. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA, RA.

Related keywords: audio, mix, editor, acoustica, mix mp3, combine tracks, audio mixer, mp3, music mix, sound editor, mixer, mix audio, mp3 mixer, audio editor, tracks, music, sound, combine

Codec Pack (Standard) - Features playback and encoding codecsCodec Pack (Standard) 8.0.1

 The Cole2k Media standard codec package features a collection of codecs and filters for encoding/decoding

Related keywords: h.264, Codec, XviD, Codec Pack, h264, Video, WavPack, ATRAC3, MP4, Codecs, mp4, DTS, DivX, AVC, TTA, Vorbis, AAC, AC3, MP3, mpeg4, OGG, h.26L, APE, FLAC, MPC, OFR, ffdshow, 3ivx, Audio, Pack

WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker - WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker & CD BurnerWMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker 1.1.0

 WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker is an powerful and simple-to-use application that allows you to create standard Audio CDs from existing audio files. Burn your favorite WMA MP3 WAV and OGG songs to create customized audio CD for your listening pleasure.

Related keywords: CD, MP3, Audio, creator, WAV, Music, WMA, maker, Music CD creator, burner, sound, burn, MP3 CD Burner, Maker, ogg, Audio CD Maker, Burner, to

Talking Dictionary - Talking Dictionary and Thesaurus for Blind.Talking Dictionary 12.8.0

 A speech enabled encyclopedic dictionary and thesaurus. Uses built in speech or existing screen reader. Contains 250,000 word entries and is fully searchable. Can be used with other programs or as a standalone program. Amazing low price.

Related keywords: dictionary, blind, dictionary for blind, thesaurus, speaking dictionary, blindness, thesaurus for blind, encyclopedic dictionary, dyslexic, for, blind computer programs, talking dictionary, speaking, programs, talking, encyclopedic, computer

Audio ToolBox - Audio function generatorAudio ToolBox 2.2.0

 Audio Toolbox is an audio function generator for the Macintosh. Using no additional hardware, you can produce sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms of any frequency up to 22 kHz, as well as generate noise - both pink and white.

Related keywords: function, sweep, square, sine, generator, audio, triangle, sawtooth

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